The Four German Cases

German Cases

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What are German Cases? (Fälle / Kasus)

Definition: German grammar knows four cases. The nouns have different functions and relations to other parts of the sentence. Depending on the function and relationship, the noun has a different case. So, the case explains what function the German Noun has and how it relates to the other words.

Remember: The Case (Kasus) explains the function of the noun and its relationship to the other words. 

In this guide, I explain the German Cases in a simple and easy to understand way. For each German Case (Kasus) you can find a detailed explanation, including declension, usage, verbs and prepositions forcing you to use a certain case. The links you can find at the end of this guide.

German has "only" 4 cases:

Other languages have a way more!

  • Hungarian: 18 cases
  • Finish: 15 cases

So take it positive and appreciate that you only have to learn four cases.

Recommendation: Color Codes

On all pages, the four cases will be marked in these four colors: NominativeAccusativeDativeGenitive.

I recommend you to use the same or similar color codes. This will save you a lot of space in your vocabulary list and with the help of the colors you can remember verbs or prepositions with certain German Cases much better. Your brain stores the color code and with it the case subconsciously while reading.


  • Das Pferd ist weiß.“   (das Pferd = Nominative)
  • Das Pferd des Reiters ist weiß.“  (des Reiters = Genitive)
  • Der Mann schenkt der Frau das Pferd.“ (der Frau = Dative)  (das Pferd = Accusative)

This lesson gives an overview of the German cases. The specifics on usage and more examples can be found in the individual, detailed lessons on the Nominative, Accusative, Dative and Genitive.

Which words can get a case (Kasus)?

Every noun (= Nomen/Substantive) ALWAYS has a case.

In addition, all words that belong to the word group of the noun (Articles and Adjectives) also get the case of the noun. Words that replace a noun (Pronouns) also get the noun's case as well.

⇒ Nouns (N-Deklination), Pronouns, Articles and Adjectives (Adjective Declension) must be changed according to their case.

  • Der Vater geht morgen mit seiner jüngsten Tochter in die Schule.“

How to determine the case?

In General:

  • The Noun's function in the sentence
  • The Verb determines the case. (=Verbs with Complements)
  • The Preposition determines the case.

The Four German Cases:

Nominative (Nominativ)

  • The Nominative Case is the basic form of Nouns and describes the subject of the sentence (the person or thing that is acting or is talked about).
  • The subject tells you how to conjugate the Verb.
  • The question for the Nominative Case is „Wer?“ or „Was?“
  • We use the Nominative case also after the verbs: „sein“, „werden“ and „bleiben“. (Warning: In this case, it is NOT the subject! - (Verbs with Nominative)

Articles and Adjectives must be adapted to the case:

  • der große Mann“
  • die große Frau“
  • das große Kind“
  • die großen Familien“

Recommendation: Nominative

For more detailed explanations of the Nominative case, please go to the following lesson: German Cases - The Nominative Case.

Accusative (Akkusativ)

Articles and Adjectives must be adapted to the case:

  • den großen Mann“
  • die große Frau“
  • das große Kind“
  • die großen Familien“
Recommendation: Accusative

For more detailed explanations of the Accusative case, please go to the following lesson: German Cases - The Accusative Case.

Other interesting lessons are Verbs with Accusative, Prepositions with Accusative, Two-Part Prepositions and Exercises on the Accusative.

Dative (Dativ)

Articles and Adjectives must be adapted to the case:

  • dem großen Mann“
  • der großen Frau“
  • dem großen Kind“
  • den großen Familien“

Recommendation: Dative

For more detailed explanations of the Dative case, please go to the following lesson: German Cases - The Dative Case.

Other interesting lessons include Verbs with Dative, Prepositions with Dative, Two-Part Prepositions, and Exercises on the Dative.

Genitive (Genitiv)

Articles and Adjectives must be adapted to the case:

  • des großen Mannes
  • der großen Frau“
  • des großen Kindes
  • der großen Familien“

Recommendation: Genitive

For more detailed explanations of the Genitive case, please go to the following lesson: German Cases - The Genitive Case.

Other interesting lessons include Verbs with Genitives, Prepositions with Genitives, and Exercises on Genitives.

Summary German Cases:

Related Topics:

Entire lesson in German only: Deutsche Fälle (Kasus)

Detailed explanations of the individual German cases:

The following things need to be adjusted (declined) based on the case:

  • Deklination von Artikeln (Declension of Articles)
  • Deklination von Pronomen (Declension of Pronouns)
  • Adjektivdeklination (Adjective Declension)
  • N-Deklination (N-Declension)

The following things affect the case:

You can find an overview of all topics under German Grammar. 

Recommendation: Free video lessons every Tuesday & Thursday

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  1. EasyGerman - German Grammar (Preview)
  2. DaF Grammar Trainer - 300 Exercises (Preview)
  3. 137 German Prepositions (Preview)
  4. Intensive Trainer: German Prepositions (Preview)
  5. Connectors - Conjunctions, Subjunctions, Conjunctional Adverbs (Preview)
  6. 40+ Grammar Lists - Free (Preview)
  7. Nominative, Accusative, Dative or Genitive? - Free (Preview)
  8. Intensive Trainer: German Cases - Free (Preview)
  9. 200+ pages of Grammar Exercises: Level A1-A2 - Free (Preview)
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