German Course – Review

Probablly you are at EasyDeutsch because you want to learn or improve your German skills. EasyDeutsch is all about learning German online. That´s why I present you some German Online Courses. I avaliate in several categories, write a review and give a recommendation, for which level and which type of student the course would be perfect.

I review and test them all by myself with the focus on: Grammar, Vocabulary, Listening Comprehension and Speaking. The review will give you an easy overview how and what you can learn with every particular course.

That´s the overview of all finished reviews so far:

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German Course Review – Die Gastfamilie (Host family)

Level A1-B2

Deutschkurs Online Review GastfamilieEverybody that studied a new language knows that problem: You studynew vocabulary and sentences for weeks to be able to comunicate with the local people. Then you arrive and you notice that nobody talks like that and they use totally different words and you can barly understand a word. The German most courses teach is the official German (Hochdeutsch). Nobody talks like that in Germany!

Not everybody can afford to live for some weeks or months with a German family to learn the proper German that is actually in use.

If you don´t have the money or the time to spend months in Germany, Peter has the perfect course for you. Check out how you can be part of his family, how you can learn the REAL German and how you become part of a German family!

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Soon, I will publish more German course reviews. My aim is one per month! The next one will be GermanPod101. For any suggestions or wishes please write a comment and I will try to review the German course you are intend to take next!

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Sonderangebot: 5 Ebooks geschenkt!

Alle deutschen EasyDeutsch-Ebooks - 5 plus 5!  (5 x 17 = 85)

Kaufe jetzt 5 Ebooks zusammen und du bekommst die anderen 5 kostenlos dazu!  

  1. EasyDeutsch - Deutsche Grammatik (Vorschau)
  2. DaF Grammatiktrainer - 300 Übungen (Vorschau)
  3. 137 deutsche Präpositionen (Vorschau)
  4. Intensivtrainer: Deutsche Präpositionen (Vorschau)
  5. Konnektoren - Konjunktionen, Subjunktionen, Konjunktionaladverbien (Vorschau)
  6. 40+ Grammatiklisten - Geschenkt (Vorschau)
  7. Nominativ, Akkusativ, Dativ oder Genitiv? - Geschenkt (Vorschau)
  8. Intensivtrainer: Deutsche Fälle - Geschenkt (Vorschau)
  9. 200+ Seiten Grammatikübungen: Level A1-A2 - Geschenkt (Vorschau)
  10. 200+ Seiten Grammatikübungen: Level B1-B2 - Geschenkt (Vorschau)
EasyDeutsch Deutsche Grammatik Ebooks


Über 100 unterrichtsfertige Grammatikeinheiten zu allen Themen der deutschen Grammatik (A1-B2) 

Perfekt als Hausaufgabe oder für Selbstlerner!

85€ - 219€

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